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93 Pearl Harb Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

A Band Of Brothers
A Band of Brothers As a result of the Japan bombing of Pearl Harbor and the continuous forceful expansion of German and Japanese boundaries, the United States was thrown into World War II. The United States military was forced to mobilize and train civilian troops in order to meet the demands of a ....

Adolf Hitler
ADOLF HITLER AND NAZISM “Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn, Austria” (www.). His father died when he was thirteen, but, unlike most boys his age, Hitler did not try to find work, or work harder at school. Adolf dreamed of becoming an artist (Shirer, Rise and Fall 6)....

Adolf Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt: How They are Similar and Different
After World War One people in America and Germany were experiencing economy downfall and depression. They were in need of leaders to get them though it and lift their spirits and hopes of once again becoming great and powerful countries. There is no doubt that Franklin D. Roosevelt and Adolf Hi....

american women
American Women During World War II. America's entry into World War II posed opportunities for American women domestically, yet paradoxically heightened fears in the polity about the exact role that women should adopt during wartime. A central is....

americans in war
The United States has been a major power since its birth. There have been many wars that have involved the U.S., and some that have evolved around it. For every war there are reasons for entering, objectives to fulfill, and consequences to follow. The U.S.’s active roles in the Spanish-American war....

America’s involvement in World War Two
When war broke out , there was no way the world could possibly know the severity of this guerre. Fortunately one country saw and understood that Germany and its allies would have to be stopped. America’s Involvement in World War two not only contributed in the eventual downfall of the insane A....

Asian American
Through out the years of the United States, many injustices have risen. With pilgrims running Native Americans off their land, to putting Japanese in “relocation centers” after WWII, our country has shown many flaws to “liberty and justice for all.” Asian Americans have not missed their share....

Atomic Bomb
United States showed neither remorse nor compassion, and wants to achieve its objective of becoming a superpower. The United States had no right for dropping the atomic bomb or any good reasons to justify its cause. No words can explain what happen on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945. A bom....

Atomic Bomb
Atomic Bomb DBQ The United States decision to drop the atomic bomb can be proven to serve as both diplomatic and military reasons. *The bombs served in the way of diplomatic reasons such as: to intimidate Russia, to dominate Western Europe, and how spoils were handed out. *The bombs served in ....

Atomic Bombs Justified
Does the end justify the means? Is dropping an atomic bomb and in the process taking thousands of lives to end a war justified? The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is justified by the amount of lives it saved, the bombs took less lives then what it would have taken to take Japa....

Attack in Pearl Harbor
Attack in Pearl Harbor in December 1941 shocked United States to its core. It signaled not only an utter destruction of an important naval base and the loss of many lives, it in the first place signified the beginning of a great struggle for nations survival. At time when France fails to Germany, an....

Battle of Midway
During World War II, the Pacific Campaign was highly contested. It seemed that whoever controlled the seas of Southeast Asia controlled the balance of power in the area. In an effort to fully gain control of the Pacific, the Japanese and American naval forces met on the high seas in early June of 1....

Behind Barbed Wire
The book Behind Barbed Wire describes what happened to Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941 was a dark day for all American citizens, but especially for those of Japanese ancestry. The surprise bombing on Pearl Harbor marked the beginning of the worst time the Nisei, Japanese Amer....

Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics
The idea that no 757 crashed at the Pentagon is easily the most controversial and divisive issue among researchers of the 9/11/01 attacks. Effectively promoted since early 2002, this idea has enjoyed an increasing acceptance in the 9/11 Truth Movement, despite its blatant incompatibility with the ex....

Building Blocks of Hostility - World War II
World War II was the greatest and most terrible war throughout world history. Although the United States kept its policy of isolationism in the 1930’s, it still played a very active role in the world. At the beginning of the war, America had passed many acts, including the Neutrality Acts of 1935....

Canadian Historical Injustices
The Canadian government has had a long and disgraceful history of racist policies and practices. It has undertaken many legal measures to deter or assimilate other races and to profit from their injustice. These measures include, but are not limited to: the head tax on all Chinese people entering ....

Col. Winters
Dick Winters was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on January 21, 1918, Winters spent his formative years in eastern Pennsylvania. My earlier hereos were Babe Ruth and Milton S. Hershey, who founded a school for boys in the town that now bears his name. I graduated from Franklin-Marshall Coll....

Cruel and Unusual Punishment
· Through out history the United States has been known for the freedom and rights given to its civilians. This was established by the fore fathers in the way that they gave the people the civil rights as part of the Bill of Rights to assure there civil liberties’ would be safe. These rights ....

Cyber Communication
Over the last decades cyber communication has changed extremely. But is it a great improvement or a life threatening problem? There are so many advances in technology that have changed the perspective of communicating with the world. When someone needs or wants to speak to someone, they can just ....

Discrimination Against Japanese-Americans
With the recent attacks on the United States by terrorists, many Americans have been experiencing feelings of fear, sadness and tremendous anger. With Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban being held responsible, many of Middle-Eastern descent have been experiencing great prejudice and discrimination and....

Divine Wind demonstrates that only the strongest relationships can survive in a time of crisis
“The Divine Wind” written by Garry Disher is a novel about friendship losed and friendship gained in Broome prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1942. The book evidently shows that only the strongest of relationships can last in a time of crisis whilst others fail when things get tough. We are....

Document review of FDR's Quarantine Speech
The document being reviewed is Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Quarantine Speech" in 1937. In this speech, Franklin D. Roosevelt is trying to make American's understand that to keep the peace in our country, we have to be ready for war. We have to acknowledge that other countries are breaking their wor....

Elvis Presley
In Tupelo, Mississippi, shortly before dawn, in a two-room house built by her husband and her brother-in-law, Gladys Presley gives birth to identical twin sons. The first, Jessie Garon, is born dead. The second, Elvis Aaron, is born alive and healthy. Elvis would be their only child. Elvis grows up....

Emperor Hirohito's Surrender
Hirohito was born in Tokyo in 1901 and died in 1989. He was the one hundred twentyforth emperor of direct lineage of Japan. He, like all emperors before him, was consisdered to be almost a god. His reign was known as the Showa era and lasted from 1926 until his death, although the last forty-two yea....

Era of Comics
"Era of Comics" Superman, Batman, Spiderman, The Hulk, comic book superheroes have thrilled and inspired generations of readers. While critics have dismissed them a....

Film Censorship - Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo: The Japanese Cinema Under the American Occupation
The article Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo: The Japanese Cinema Under the American Occupation, 1945-1952 gave the readers a good taste of Japanese life during the seven year American occupation. The article begins with a historical background of how the foreign occupation arose. The end of the war in the ....

Foreign Policy in the United States since WWII
The United States has not always been a nation that was actively involved in issues around the world. For the most part the United States was a very isolated nation that kept to itself and stayed out of the problems of other nations. This is essentially what enabled the United States to become such ....

Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt
I n t r o d u c t i o nThroughout the ages there have been many great leaders. These leaders are powerful in many ways, with a strong control over the people, and a place in history. But who would have guessed that two cousins would be some of the greatest government figures ever? Franklin Delano Ro....

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt In the early 1930s, the United States has yet to face a new era of happiness and difficulty. The United States was in great need for new hope and sensation, and only one great man could provide the nation’s desperate needs. As the new el....

Franklin Roosevelt: Man of the Year
Assuming the Presidency at the depth of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in themselves. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action, and asserted in his Inaugural Address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."When the nation wa....

Freedoms Challenge
What are the challenges of freedom? What can be considered challenging about being free? What does freedom’s challenge mean to you? To me it means the challenges our country has to go through to keep our freedom. Is freedom really free? That is what I used to think. But then I started seriously....

Greatest Generation
Ever since the first act of decision making, mankind realized that the choices they make today will inevitably shape their or someone else's future. This is how things advance. Where one is now is either a direct or an indirect result of some decision made in the past by someone. This valued lesson ....

hitler rise to power
Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1989 in Braunau, Austria. His rise to power became extremely respected and well known. Coming from a lower class root, Adolf Hitler had a unique ability to appeal to the struggling working class. Hitler was not the type expected to obtain grea....

holocaust survivor
The world's biggest desolation that caused the murders of millions of Jewish people took place during WWII. The Holocaust orchestrated by the Nazi Empire destroyed millions of lives and created questions about humanity that may never be answered. Many psychological effects caused by the Holocaust fo....

Japan vs. United States
Japan had a goal of making an empire called the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. This empire would serve the economic needs of Japan. This huge empire would stretch from Manchuria in the north to Australia in the south. It was similar to Hitler's dream of Europe filled with the Aryan race.....

Japanese Americans
Japanese Americans Interned in American Prison Camps during World War Two Anyone who has taken any sort of history course is most likely to have learned about World War Two and how the basic cause of this war was the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, which was a United States Water Naval Bas....

Japanese Internment
Before WW2 the Japanese were treated as second class citizens, denied the right to vote and given job restrictions. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor created massive uproar on the west coast of North America so that all Japanese citizens were under suspicion. There was speculation that the Japane....

Japanese Internment
Japanese Canadians were treated very immorally during World War Two, and this is looked down upon when we think of the war Canada had won. Ever since the beginning of the 1900’s Japanese were not welcomed into B.C. But, it came to a head after Japan launched a surprise and successful attack agains....

Japanese Internment Camps
December 7, 1941, became a turning point for all Japanese Americans whether they were citizens or not. Executive Order 9066 was issued on February 19, 1942, turning the United States against everything that was stated in their Constitution. It was a time of discrimination suffrage, loss, and crue....

Korematsu Vs The United States
Korematsu vs.U.S. The trial of Korematsu vs. U.S. does not begin where most people may see it. Most would say that it all started when Fred Korematsu committed the crime of refusing to leave his humble home simply because some government official told him he had to. Instead the crime really bega....

Market power - an important determinant for success in Vietnam
Pearl Harbour (PG-13) Plot Set doing the time of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour, two childhood friends are caught up in the events that draw the United States into world war two. Together they enlist into the U.S. Air force and soon enough they both become involved with the same woma....

Matthew Pearls The Dante Club a Historical Novel?
"Few intellectual developments in the last two hundred years have af-fected us more profoundly than the enriched sense of historicity." This quota-tion illustrates the fact that the interest in literary has grown. As "[w]e have an increasing appetite for fiction and an increasing d....

Minorities A Burden?
There are many minorities in the United States, however Americans consider them a burden. After the Civil Rights movement it was thought to be an end of racism, segregation, stereotyping, and the act of being prejudice. Although the conditions of being a minority is better than in the past, they ....

moon landing: hoax?
Is our government always telling us the truth? Do they tell us what really happens or do they just tell us what we want to hear? If landing on the moon was such a great accomplishment, then how come we never went back since? I believe that the United States did not land on the moon, and it was all a....

Navajo Code Talkers of World War II
The Japanese military of World War II was relentless. Strategies, locations, and plans were often intercepted through open radio channels between the Allied forces and the Japanese commanders. As a result, the United States and the Allied forces developed a secret way of communicating in code word....

Newspaper Article On Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor On December 7th 1941, Japan in a surprise attack at dawn bombarded the US naval base at Pearl harbour in Hawaii. What army intellegence have discovered is the prepared attack occured in two waves of carrier based planes which either serverely damaged or destroyed twenty one ships and....

Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden Thesis: Osama bin Laden is an Arab whose terrorist activities have changed the normal routines and behaviors of people throughout the world in the 21st century. On September 11, 2001 the American people suffered the loss of many lives and the loss of their innocence as a nation. ....

Paerl Harbor
Pearl Harbor: We didn't know, yet it was our fault In 1941, one of the largest American military defeats occurred. An entire naval fleet was destroyed, hundreds were killed, all before nine A.M. on a Sunday morning. The US did not have any knowledge of this attack, mostly because of their own ignor....

Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was the day America entered World War II. From the time this secret attack was planned until day of the battle this event happened, it would have a strong impact on history. It would be remembered for years to come. Pearl Harbor was one of the major naval bases of the Un....

Pearl Harbor
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date that will live in infamy, the United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” This quote was made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt twenty-four hours after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in Ha....

Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor On December 7,1941 at 7:53 a.m. on Sunday morning, the world had changed. The Japanese dropped a bomb at Pearl Harbor and destroyed many ships, planes, buildings and also killing thousands of people. They continued in the process of firing. ....

pearl harbor
Hawaii, is the hub of United States naval power in the Pacific Ocean. It covers with 22,000 acres on Oahu Island and lies west of downtown Honolulu. Most of the Navy's major commands in the Pacific have headquarters at the base. Pearl H....

Pearl Harbor
Calbow 1 Awakening the Sleeping Giant “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant” (Pierce 43). That is just what the Japanese did- awaken a “sleeping giant.” The United States had tried for a long time to stay out of World War II. Finally, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbo....

Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor had the same motivation behind it as every other attack or war declaration had behind it in both of the World Wars. It was basically greed. Japan wanted to fulfill its longtime dream of having a vast colonial empire that stretched from Manchuria and China south to Thaila....

Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a dramatic entrance into World War II for the United States. Pearl Harbor is an island located in Hawaii that is west of Honolulu. It is the headquarters for the U.S. naval base and its Navy Yard was capable of holding the largest ships. There are many reasons for the....

Pearl Harbor: Conspiracy
On the fateful morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombarded the naval base Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This devastating attack was called a surprise attack by FDR as he quoted “Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of American was suddenly and deliberatel....

Pearl Harbor: Did Japan benefit from this horendous attack
Most, if not all people know at least a little bit about the attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday morning, December 7th 1941. Everyone’s heard about it or has seen the movie made about this terrible day for America. But what really happened? Did Japan succeed in getting what they were striving fo....

Pearl Harbour film review
Pearl Harbour (PG-13) Plot Set doing the time of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour, two childhood friends are caught up in the events that draw the United States into world war two. Together they enlist into the U.S. Air force and soon enough they both become involved with the same woma....

Pre-World War II Years in the United States
Albert Einstein once said "I don't know what weapons will be used in World War III, but in World War IV people will use sticks and stones." This rather interesting quote resembles the same mentality that many people had in the United States after the First World War, a mentality plagued wi....

roald dahl- charlie and the chocolate factory
Roald Dahl is easily the best-selling children's author living today, not just in Britain, but all over the world. His delightfully grotesque stories are devoured by millions of young readers every year and, in a recent bookshop survey, Dahl's accounted for eight of the ten best-selling titles. H....

rube carter
HURRICANE THE LIFE OF RUBIN CARTER “When they come to list the greatest boxers. Hurricane’s name isn’t likely to pop up in the Top 10. But when they come to list the greatest fighters of the 20th century, he’ll be alone at the peak.” Boston Globe ....

Second World War Production and manufacturing
During and throughout the Second World War, mass production and manufacturing was just as important as the troops on the ground. During these times, women were called to work in the factories and abandon their traditional roles in the home. While doing this, the United States greatly over produced t....

Race segregation is the practice of keeping ethnic, racial, or gender groups separate, such as African Americans, Gays, and Jews, (Webster’s). This is done by enforcing the use of separate schools, transportation, housing, and other facilities. This has been around forever, however it really sta....

Snow Falling on Cedars
The Affect of Racism In a community of "five thousand dam souls" (Page 5 Parg ?) as described by David Guterson in his novel, Snow Falling on Cedars. A community that concentrated a variety of ethnicity, among them was both Whites and Japanese. As a result of the racial differences, racism came....

Stalin and Hitler: Two of a Kind?
For decades Americans have heard of the atrocious Second World War and the components encompassed within that subject matter. The bombing of Pearl Harbor; the Holocaust; Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, a group which continues to spread hatred today; the Normandy Invasion and others are gruesome r....

Surprise, Security, and the American Experience
When the news reveals a surprise or important incident in history, the exact moment and place you were will always be remembered. Historical experiences usually do not have a connection to personal experiences; this is why the memory is always vivid. In the book, Surprise, Security, and the Americ....

System Under Stress: Homeland Security
The new millennium has not been kind to the United States of America. Politics have gotten more and more corrupted, the conflict in Iraq has no end in sight, and there is a looming possibility of more war with nations such as Iran and Syria. However, there have been two events in the past seven year....

Ten Events that contributed to the outbreak of WW2
Top 10 List of Events that Contributed to the Outbreak of World War 2 – 5 points The German invasion of Poland When Nazi Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France met their aggressive actions with an official declaration of war, as promised to Poland beforehand. World War II had begun, because ....

Terrorist: Their Attacks & Organizations
Terrorism has filled the world for many years and has been dealt with by many forms of government and special organizations. Over the last 25-40 years, the growth of terrorism and terrorist organizations has increased and used more violent methods against a substantial amount of people in order to f....

the bombing of japan
The war of 1945 was one that shall never be forgotten, as it sparked the beginning of nuclear warfare, and created massive destruction. The damage it caused is still known throughout the world today, especially in Japan. In this war the use of the atomic bomb caught the world by surprise as many c....

The Holocaust
Stalin wants an opening of a second front in Eastern Europe. Roosevelt promised Stalin this front but it was not supplied until June 1944. Stalin always believed that this was intentional and that he read Truman’s letter saying that the Nazi’s and the Soviet’s keep fighting one another a....

The Japanese Internment
During World War II, Canada was at war with Germany and Italy. Canada was fighting to protect the lifestyle that its citizens had become accustomed to. The soldiers in WW II gave their lives for the good of their great nation. Canada was also facing a major threat in the Pacific. The threat was ....

The Japanese Internment
The Japanese Internment During World War II, Canada was at war with Germany and Italy. Canada was fighting to protect the lifestyle that its citizens had become accustomed to. The soldiers in WW II gave their lives for the good of their great nation. Canada was also facing a major threat i....

The Magnificent Ambersons
The biggest mistake we have made is to consider that films are primarily a form of entertainment. The film is the greatest medium since the invention of movable type for exchanging ideas and information, and it is no more at its best in light entertainment than literature is at its best in the ligh....

The Manhattan Project
The Manhattan Project was the code name of the U.S.’s attempt to construct an atomic bomb duringWorld War II. It was named after the Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,because a lot of it’s earlier research was done in New York City. An atomic bomb is a wea....

The Media and the Use of Propaganda in War
In researching the existing literature pertaining to the issue of the media and propaganda, there must first be proper definitions for the terms ‘propaganda’ and ‘media’ in the context of politics and war. Next follows an analysis of the different articles and works already undertaken on the sub....

The sadness: A story of the Salem Witch Hunt
The Sadness: A story of the Salem Witch Hunt American History has presented us with many great stories to share from generation to generation. The settlement of New England stemmed from the Martin Luther's Reformation movement, a religious controversy. Martin Luther attacked the Church of En....

The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis
The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis The USS Indianapolis (CA-35) a battle cruiser was commissioned at the Philadelphia Navy Yard on November 15, 1932. Throughout most of her early peacetime service she served as Flagship of Scouting Force, US Fleet. At one point she was even chosen by President R....

The USS Pampanito-383
Government ....

Us War
War in the Pacific- Island Hopping Most of WWII was fought in Europe, however, towards the end of the war, the Pacific became an important place for battles to occur and resolve conflicts. The U.S. fought many battles in order to eventually obtain their goal of getting to the mainland of Japan. ....

Veering Point
What were the causes and effects of World War I? The answer to this seemingly simple question is not elementary. There was more to the onset of the war then the event of an Austrian prince being murdered in Serbia, as is what most people consider to be the cause of World War I. Furthermore, the eff....

Violence in the Media
As I sit down in front of my TV and start clicking through the channels it occurs to me that on every other station there is some form of violence portrayed. I cant help think that in our lives today we seem to revolve around violence. Whether it is on TV, in our video games, at the movies and eve....

W.Sumith Wickramasinghe
Sumith Wickramasinghe was born on the island of Ceylon as it was known in 1935. His illustrious parents were Wickremarachige Subatheris and Somawathie Wickramasinghe - both his parents were Headteachers in two different village schools - Sumith's mother was Principal of Ambaraluwa Maha Vidyalaya in ....

Winston Churchill
Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace, his family's ancestral seat in Oxfordshire, on November 30, 1874. He was the older son of Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, a British statesman who rose to be chancellor of the Exchequer and leader of the House of Com....

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL, (1874-1965), British leader. English on his father's side, American on his mother's, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill embodied and expressed the double vitality and the national qualities of both peoples. His names testify to the richness of his hist....

Women of Jackdaws
There is no doubt that the contributions made by American women to the efforts of World War II were substantial, both to the success of their country and to their own social and working status within their country even after the war was over. The establishment of the Women’s Army Corps in 1942 in....

Women's Roles During World War II
Women's Roles During World War II On December 7th,1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed which initiated America's involvement in World War II. All the eligible men rushed off to fight in battle leaving all of the women to fend for themselves. Traditionally, the women's jobs were to stay at home, keep u....

Wrong Accusation
Wrong Accusation Most people in the world are familiar with World War II, but most of them do not know the reason why the US became a part of it. On December 7, 1941, Japan suddenly attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This day was a very disruptive for the Japanese people because they became the enemi....

ww2 notes
World War II effectively stopped the world between 1939 and 1945. To this day, it remains the most geographically widespread military conflict the world has ever seen. Although the fighting reached across many parts of the globe, most countries involved shared a united effort aimed at ending the agg....

WW2 Pearl Harbor
On Dec 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor island of Oahu in Hawaii which was attacked by Japanese Navy forces at about 7:55am in the morning. Over 33% of Hawaiis population was of Filipino, Native Hawaiian, Chinese, Korean, and white were killed. When the bombs fell on Pearl Harbor many land, property, boats, a....

World War II brought about change all around the world including the United States in issues concerning industry, the economy, and humanity. Once the Allied Forces broke through Normandy, the Germans were forced to fight a three front war (in Italy, the east, and the west). It was only a matter....

WWII and Propaganda
The year was 1939; the Nazi party, led by Adolf Hitler, was in power and Europe was in a state of distress and soon the whole world would be involved in a war that would devastate mankind for generations to come. World War II involved many great nations of the world, such as the Axis Powers: German....

WWII and the A-Bomb
Sixty one years after the A-bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II, the controversy over whether dropping the bombs was the right thing to do is still present today. But before one can claim a side, they must know all of the facts. Over 3½ years of direct U.S. involvement ....

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